Becoming a Member
Becoming a Member
Whether you are a newcomer or have attended for years, we welcome you to become a formal member of St. John's Episcopal/Anglican Church.
What Does it Mean to Be a Member of St. John's?
According to our Catechism, part of the calling of all Christians and parishioners is “…to follow Christ; to come together week by week for corporate worship; and to work, pray and give for the spread of the kingdom of God” (Book of Common Prayer, p. 856).
Members of St. John's are encouraged to take these practices to heart: regular worship with the gathered community, discipleship exercised through one’s sense of calling and giftedness, prayer without ceasing, and financial stewardship of gifts in thanksgiving to God.
It is a normative spiritual practice to make an annual pledge of financial support to St. John's. Our mission, ministry, and maintenance primarily depend on the support of our parishioners. Making formal pledges aids greatly in knowing what resources we can rely on to sustain our budget.
How Do I Become a Member?
Those Who Have Been Baptized - If you are previously baptized and would like to join St. John's, let our Parish Office know, and we will work with you to make the necessary arrangements. This may include a letter of transfer, a new member form, or other arrangements.
Transferring Churches - If you are moving to St. John's from another Episcopal church or from another Protestant denomination, your former church can transfer your membership.
Please contact your former church to initiate a Letter of Transfer. Your former church will fill out the standard form, the clergy will sign it, and it will then be mailed to our Parish Office. This ensures all your records, such as baptism and confirmation, will be transferred to Christ Church.
New Member Form - We also ask that you fill out a New Member Form to assist our Parish Office’s recordkeeping. It provides us with dates of birthdays and anniversaries, and your relationship to any family members who may be joining the church with you.
Those Who Wish to Be Baptized, Confirmed, or Received - If you wish to be baptized, confirmed, or formally received into the fellowship of the Anglican Communion, contact the church office at 301-927-1156.
The rector leads a class each year for adults and older teens to prepare those who will be presented for confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation at the Washington National Cathedral. Please contact the office for details.
How Do I Become a Voting Member?
Our Parish Bylaws state that in order to be a voting member of St. John's, you must be:
At least 18 years of age
Registered as a member with the Parish Office
You are a registered member of St. John's if you meet one of the following conditions:
You were baptized at this church and have never transferred your membership to another church.
You were confirmed or formally received into the Anglican Communion through St. John's Church.
You had a formal Letter of Transfer of your membership from another Episcopal church or from a church of another Protestant denomination.
You are formerly Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or from another church of the Anglican Communion, and you were made a member of St. John's by formal declaration—meaning that you produced evidence of your baptism and made known your desire to be made a member of this parish.