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Weekly Announcements

On the Calendar​
(Updated November 6, 2024)


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Bible Study – The Mothers’ Union hosts a weekly Gospel Study each Wednesday at 7:30 pm. The reading for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost would be Mark 12:38-44.

Please call in, participate and share your thoughts. Conference call in number – (978-990-5000); access code (553883#).


Harvest Sunday – St. John’s will celebrate Harvest Sunday on November 10th.  As is our custom, we are asking parishioners to bring in advance, various items of fresh produce – fruits and vegetables – to decorate the Sanctuary for the occasion. You may bring them to the church between Thursday, November 7th and Saturday, November 9th. Then, on Sunday, the items will be sold after church in the Father Brown Room.


Antigua & Barbuda Sunday  - We will also celebrate the 43rd Independence Anniversary of Antigua and Barbuda on Sunday, November 10th. (The Caribbean nation’s independence day fell on November 1st.)


Next Community Outreach -  will be on Saturday, November 16th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This month’s outreach will be the Thanksgiving food distribution.


​Confirmation – The fall 2024 date for Confirmation at the Cathedral is Saturday, November 16th. St. John’s will present four candidates for Confirmation at this service.


Hour of Prayer continues from Monday thru Friday), starting at noon until 1pm. If you are available during this hour, call (978-990-5000); access code (553883#) and join the prayer line.


Thought  for the Day

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are,

                                                                                                               ~ Joseph Campbell

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