Vestry of St. John's
Our Current Vestry:
Class of 2026
Daverly Cole
Antoinette Johnson
Leslie Rogers-Wright
Class of 2027
Jestina Heroe
Paul Ruffins
Class of 2028
Hannah Rogers-Wright
Desmond Slowe
Joan Stuart

Alfred During
Senior Warden
Sonia Anderson
Daverly Cole

Junior Warden
Vestry Member

Jestina Heroe
Vestry Member

Antoinette Johnson
Vestry Member

Hannah Rogers-Wright
Vestry Member

Vestry Member
Leslie Rogers-Wright

Vestry Member
Paul Ruffins

Vestry Member
Desmond Slowe
Vestry Member
Joan Stuart
Vestry Member
Descia Slowe
Youth Representative

Cheryl Johnson
Vestry Clerk

Layard Pabs-Garnon

Joan Stuart
Treasurer's Assistant
Carol Hazlewood
Delegate to Convention
Mariama Johnson-Taylor
Delegate to Convention
Joylyn Davis
Alternate Delegate

Role of the Vestry​
​According to the of St. John’s Parish, “The duties of the Vestry include responsibility for management of Parish assets, decisions regarding financial obligations and contractual matters, participation in Annual and Special Parish Meetings, and such other duties as are consonant with applicable Federal and State law, and with the Canons of the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Washington.” Thus the Vestry is the group of people that has the legal authority and accountability to expend and invest funds on behalf of the members of the parish and to provide for the upkeep of the property. Vestry members also serve as liaison between the parishioners and the clergy and parish staff.
While clergy are responsible for a congregation’s spiritual and pastoral needs, parishioners with concerns about parish management or upkeep should bring them to a member of the Vestry.
Some of the ways the Vestry carries out these responsibilities are: adopting a parish budget, organizing the Annual Parish Meeting, managing the use of the property, and approving extraordinary or emergency expenditures or purchases. When the time comes, it is also the responsibility of the Vestry to call a Rector who, among his or her other duties, serves as the chairperson of the Vestry.